Life presents us with several situations or events that are unpredictable. Life Insurance is a safety cushion for the family and more specifically for your beneficiaries indicated in the contract. It is a financial protection that will help your loved ones to find a peaceful future. There are several types
Term life insurance offers a protection that is both limited in time and a budget sensitive approach, in the event of a premature death. It is wise to harmonize this kind of protection with your financial vulnerabilities and responsibilities that will disappear or lower during the passage of time, like a mortgage, debts, your standard of living with the children, scholarship or tuition fees, etc.).
You can purchase term life insurance for a fixed period of 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years that will protect you and your loved ones up until you reach the age of 80. When your insurance terminates at the chosen term, you will be able to renew the contract without medical examinations or convert it in part or entirely into a permanent insurance.
Consider that depending on your age and your health, the cost of insurance can increase, so it is always better to take an insurance contract in the present moment or as young as possible.
Term insurance can cover your loved ones against several important elements related to your finances and according to your priorities, such as:
a mortgage loan / credit card debt / personal loan (car, study, etc.)
important medical expenses for a sick child and his university studies
the budget for groceries, clothing and family activities / contingencies, etc.
Permanent life insurance offers a financial protection to your beneficiaries during your entire life, even if you live past 100! It is normally reserved for financial issues that will exceed a lifespan of 80 years. That is why it is better to harmonize this kind of protection with the financial projects that will accompany you way past your retirement.
Highest return to investment ratio in the long run;
Fixed and guaranteed cost;
Choose from many payment terms (10 years, 15 years, 20 years or until age 65 or 100), after which your coverage will be fully paid and you will remain insured for the rest of your life without paying anymore.
It's a protection (or an investment) that can cover some or all of the following financial priorities:
Your last legal and funeral expenses (burial expenses, notary fees, executor's salary or wage);
An amount to give respite to your spouse during the years that follow your death so she or he can adjust to living without your financial contribution;
Cover all unpaid taxes associated with your valuable assets, such as your business, your cottage, your farm, your building, your investments, etc .;
Instantly create an inheritance for your loved ones
No matter the coverage or the amoutnt, it is always tax free.
This is a subtype of permanent insurance, so everything you read for permanent life insurance (see above) applies.
Also called Whole life insurance, the particularity of this contract is the guaranteed cash surrender value, that is to say, an amount that grows with time on its own and that you can use in different ways:
Borrow up to 90% of the available amount without a credit check:
The repayment is made at an interest rate of 8% (annual);
The amount borrowed reduces the coverage of your policy until the full amount of the credit is repaid;
Demand 100% of the cash surrender value to be deposited in your bank account;
the contract will be terminated at the same time.
This is a subtype of permanent insurance, so everything you read for permanent life insurance (see above) applies.
The special feature of this contract is that it includes a deposit account that is attached to your insurance contract. It can be used for:
Tax-advantaged savings;
Get returns on your investment;
Pay your contract with the savings invested in case of health or financial problems, without requiring your intervention;
Combine the protection capital with your savings, making this an ideal and limitless solution to transfer your liquid assets to your heirs tax-free;
Preferably, but not necessarily, choose this insurance only if you have reached the maximum contributions to your TFSA.
This is a subtype of permanent insurance and whole life insurance (combined) so everything you read for permanent life insurance (see above) and entire life insurance applies.
The particularity of this contract is that it includes participative (unsecured) values that are attached to your insurance contract. It can be used for:
Offer you the opportunity to increase the value of your protective capital over time without injecting more money;
Use your unsecured dividends for:
significant savings potential;
get a cash surrender value;
reduce your annual cost;
increase your insurance amount;
release your insurance before term;
offer a financial base to your loved ones;
finance the growth of your business;
increase your retirement income;
counter the effect of inflation on your death benefit
• COMMENT CHOISIR UN CONTRAT? / HOW TO CHOOSE A CONTRACT?Si vous avez des doutes, ne vous inquiétez pas, notre conseiller en assurances de personnes vous accompagnera dans ce choix pour valider sa pertinence, le type, la durée de la protection et un prix très compétitif ; Toutes les nuances, parmi tous les types de contrats pertinents, seront expliquées par notre conseiller en ligne ; La durée de vos protections sera harmonisée avec vos objectifs par notre conseiller ; Par exemple, si votre objectif est de protéger la valeur de votre maison, alors une assurance temporaire d’une durée de 25 ans qui couvre le montant de l’hypothèque sera un choix approprié Par exemple, si votre objectif est de laisser un héritage à vos enfants et que vous avez des liquidités qui dépassent les besoins de votre budget et de votre CELI, une assurance vie universelle (permanente) sera un choix approprié Par exemple, si votre objectif est de protéger la valeur de votre maison et que vous souscrivez un contrat d’assurance vie universelle (permanente), à moins que vous soyez très âgé et fortuné, il y a une dissonance entre votre objectif et le type d’assurance vie proposé 3. Le conseiller dirigera votre demande vers la compagnie d’assurance qui est le plus susceptible d’accepter votre profil de santé et le capital de protection que vous demandez. / (English) If you have doubts, do not worry, our insurance advisor will accompany you in this choice to validate its relevance, type, duration of protection and a very competitive price; All nuances, among all types of relevant contracts, will be explained by our online advisor; The duration of your protections will be harmonized with your objectives by our advisor; For example, if your goal is to protect the value of your home, then a 25-year term insurance that covers the mortgage amount will be an appropriate choice For example, if your goal is to leave an inheritance to your children and you have cash that exceeds the needs of your budget and your TFSA, universal (permanent) life insurance will be an appropriate choice. For example, if your goal is to protect the value of your home and you purchase a universal (permanent) life insurance policy, unless you are very old and wealthy, there is a dissonance between your goal and the type proposed life insurance 3. The advisor will direct your application to the insurance company that is most likely to accept your health profile and the protective capital you request.
• COMMENT ANNULER UN CONTRAT D'ASSURANCE ? / HOW TO CANCEL AN INSURANCE CONTRACT?Dans tous les cas, peu importe la compagnie ou l’institution qui l’offre, la résiliation d’une assurance est gratuite. Annuler un contrat comporte des risques : Dans le cas d’une assurance bancaire, il suffit d’aller à votre institution financière prêteuse pour signer une décharge de responsabilité qui confirme votre demande de résiliation. Prenez garde de résilier votre contrat uniquement si vous en avez un autre qui le remplace et qui est en vigueur ou si votre besoin de protection financière n’existe plus. Si votre contrat est une assurance individuelle, comme une assurance vie, une assurance salaire ou maladie grave, etc., votre conseiller doit remplir et vous présenter un préavis de remplacement qui identifie tous les avantages et désavantages de votre contrat actuel et celui qu’il vous propose. Seulement une fois que le nouvel assureur aura accepté votre demande ou votre proposition d’assurance, que vous pourrez faire parvenir une lettre qui demande la résiliation de votre ancien contrat sans qu’un risque financier vous surprenne ! / (English) In any case, no matter which company or institution offers it, the termination of an insurance is free. To cancel a contract entails risks: In the case of a bank insurance, simply go to your lending financial institution to sign a waiver of liability that confirms your request for termination. Be careful to terminate your contract only if you have one that replaces it and is in effect or if your need for financial protection no longer exists. If your policy is an individual insurance, such as life insurance, salary or critical illness insurance, etc., your advisor must complete and provide you with a replacement notice that identifies all the advantages and disadvantages of your current contract and the one offer you. Only once the new insurer has accepted your application or your insurance proposal, you can send a letter asking for the cancellation of your old contract without a financial risk surprises you!
• TOUS À PROPOS DE REFUS ? / ALL ABOUT REFUSAL?Il faut savoir que les compagnies d’assurances ont créé une institution qui s’appelle : Medical Information Bureau (MIB). Le MIB recueille toutes les informations qui ont été soumises lorsque vous avez rempli des propositions ou des demandes d’assurances au cours de votre vie. Cette base de données est consultée par tous les assureurs au Canada, afin de valider votre bonne foi et vos omissions, qu’elles soient involontaires ou volontaires. Normalement, les compagnies d’assurances vont étudier les réponses aux questions qu’elles vous auront demandées, le MIB et possiblement les résultats de tests paramédicaux pour soit émettre une : Acceptation au taux non-fumeurs ou privilégié, Acceptation au taux fumeurs ou régulier, Acceptation avec exclusion, Acceptation avec surprime, Refus. Le degré de risque, que votre profil de santé représente pour eux, varie d’un assureur à l’autre et c’est ce risque qui détermine largement la prime de votre police d’assurance. Selon son expérience et les ententes de courtages qu’il détient avec différents assureurs, votre conseiller devrait diriger votre demande vers un assureur qui est peu ou pas susceptible de vous refuser, du moins selon les réponses aux questions qui font partie de votre demande d’assurance. Gardez en tête que c’est difficile de prédire les résultats des tests paramédicaux, mais ils sont parfaitement évitables, tout comme l’investigation au MIB, en optant pour les assurances sans examens médicaux. Si vous avez déjà un refus qui a été enregistré au MIB, ne vous inquiétez pas, contacter Assurance En Ligne et nous vous trouverons des solutions, c’est promis. / (English) You have to know that the insurance companies have created an institution called: Medical Information Bureau (MIB). The MIB collects all the information that was submitted when you completed insurance applications or requests during your lifetime. This database is consulted by all insurers in Canada to validate your good faith and your omissions, whether involuntary or voluntary. Normally, insurance companies will study the answers to the questions they have asked you, the MIB and possibly the results of paramedical tests to either issue a: Acceptance at the non-smoking or privileged rate, Acceptance at the smoking or regular rate, Acceptance with exclusion, Acceptance with premium, Refusal. The degree of risk that your health profile represents for them varies from one insurer to another and it is this risk that largely determines the premium of your insurance policy. Based on his experience and the brokerage arrangements he has with different insurers, your advisor should direct your claim to an insurer that is unlikely or unlikely to refuse you, at least according to the answers to the questions that form part of your claim. insurance. Keep in mind that it is difficult to predict the results of paramedical tests, but they are perfectly avoidable, as the investigation at the MIB, opting for insurance without medical examinations. If you already have a refusal that has been registered at the MIB, do not worry, contact Online Insurance and we will find solutions, it is promised.